Sunday, September 5, 2010

A moody day .
Come , let's think something happy .
My word hurt him alots .
I really so moody .
Im very sad when i saw u moody too .
Now i really feel bad when u just text me like that .
Why ? Why ? Why ?
Im trying to be the best .
Okay ? Im so happy when i saw ur pic .
The crazyness but still sweet .
Yes , that's YOU .
The ONLY you .
Nobody can take over u .
Because you are SPECIAL & EXTRA-ORDINARY .

Ae , excited .. Hahaha

At Times Square . Bowling Centre.

At Bukit Bintang . Seafood night .

His special day .

At KLCC . The sweetest memory that i will not forget . No matter wat happen .

Aiseh , import from Europe .

Me n Wiss . Handsome ?

Me and Thomas . Ha ha ha ha juga .

Happy Birthday to Bobby Liau Jiann Xiong

Me n the pretty girl , Marissa .

First time wear so expensive shoes. Who is the rich people ah ??

Bobby : Im still 12 years old la .
He is so in love with Pizza . Haha

Us . At KLCC. Before going back to PSA .

p/s : this memory will keep in my heart forever and ever .
Special thanks to all who participate in this birthday event .
I bet we really ENJOYED very much .

Happy Birthday to my friend , MARK . Im so sorry that we cannot celebrate your birthday together . Because im in Kuching already .
Dun sad ya .


ha ha ha ha juga

Written by :
Fiona Erica Hiew Wee Na
Hohohohoho . Matrix number also
Crazy girl