Thursday, April 21, 2011

My exam life

I am really so tired already . This few days sleep only 2-4 hours per day .
Today only sitting for my first paper .
Arghhh . Can this life end soon ?
Really stress oh !
Need to study !
Two more paper to go .
Cant use any word to describe my feeling now ! huhuhuhu
God bless me . Amen !

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pricing (definition , factors and strategies )

Price - An amount of money charged for a product or service , or the sum of the values that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service .

Internal factors to consider when setting a price .
a. Marketing objectives
- Marketing positioning influences price strategy
- Other objectives
~ Survival
~Current profit maximization
~Market share leadership

b. Marketing mix strategies
~Pricing must be carefully coordinated with the other marketing mis elements
~Target costing is often used to support product positioning strategies based on price .
~Nonpricing positioning can be used also .

c. Costs
~ Variable cost, Fixed costs and Total Cost
~How costs vary at different production level will influence price setting
~Experience curve affects price .

d. Organizational consideration
~ Who sets the price ?
~ Large companies - Divisional and product line manager
~Small companies - Top management

External Factor
a. The nature of market and demand .
-Pricing in different types of market

1. Pure competition
- There are many buyers and seller who are trading uniform commodity such as wheat , copper and financial securities .
-No single buyers or sellers can charge more than the market price .

2. Monopolistic competition
- There are many buyers and sellers who trade over range of prices rather than a singe market price .
- A range of price occurs because sellers can differentiate their offers to buyers
- Sellers try to develop differentiated offers to different customer segment .

3. Oligopolistic competition
- There are only few sellers who are highly sensitive to each other's pricing and marketing strategies.
-The product can be uniform or non uniform
-There are few sellers because it is difficult for a new seller to enter the market .

4. Pure Monopoly
-The market only consists of one seller .
- The seller maybe is the government or private regulated .
- Pricing is handled differently in this case .

b. Analyzing the price-demand relationship .
-The demand and prices are relatively inversed .
-The consumer with limited budgets will buy less something if the price goes to high .
- There is an exception for the prestige goods

c. Competitors strategies and prices
-Low price-low margin will inhibit competition
-High price-high margin will attract competition

d. Economics condition
- affects the production cost
-affect the buyer perception of price and value
- reseller reaction to prices must be considered .

e. Government & Social concern
-Government may restrict or limit pricing options .
- Government intervention will also influences the pricing strategies .
- Such as subsidies and taxes

Pricing Strategies
a. Market skimming pricing
- Setting a high price for a new product to skim maximum revenues layer by layer from the segments willing to pay for the high price , company makes fewer but more profitable sales .

b. Market Penetration Prising
-Setting a low price for a new product in order to attract a large number of buyers and a large share market .

Importance of Marketing channel

1. Promotion - Developing and spreading persuasive communications about an offer .
2. Information - Gathering and distributing marketing research and intelligence information about actors and forces in the marketing environment needed for planning and aiding exchange .
3. Contact- Finding and communicating with prospective buyers .
4. Matching - Shaping and fitting the offer to the buyer's need , including the activity such as grading , manufacturing , assembling and packaging .
5. Negotiation - Reaching an agreement on price or other terms of the offer that ownership and possession can be transferred .
6. Physical distribution- Transporting and stores goods .
7. Financing - Acquiring funds to cover the costs of the channels works .
8. Risk taking- Assuming the risk of carrying out the channel work .

Nature of marketing channel

* Marketing intermediary
- A middleman linking producers to other middle man or to ultimate consumers through contractual arrangements or through the purchase and resale of product .

*Marketing channel create utility
- Time utility ~ Have products available when the customers want them (Newspaper)
- Place utility ~ Making products available in locations where the customers wish to purchase them ( convenience shop)
- Possession utility ~ The customer has access to the product to use or to store for future use ( Raincoat)

*Marketing channel facilitate exchange efficiences
-Reduce overall cost of the marketing exchange
- Reduce search costs for the customers
-Maintain order in market